Rohingya Refugees Condemn and Deny ASEAN secretive report on Rohingya Repatriation

VOICE OF ROHINGYA, a grass root Political, Media and Social Welfare Organization on behalf of Rohingya refugees across the camps would like to draw special attention of International Communities, organizations, INGOs and NGOs about the recent ASEAN report named “Emergency Response and Assessment Team” leaked by AFP.

In the report, future of Rohingyas and lives of Rohingya Genocide survivors were once more put at risk by stating that repatriation will be “completed in a little more than two years” and it also refused to call the Rohingya with their ethnic name, instead wrote “Muslims” to refer them.

The report also admired Burma (Myanmar) on their inhumane efforts ensuring their so called “smooth and orderly” returns and held Bangladesh responsible for the delay of Rohingya repatriation.

The report proves leniency and irresponsibility of ASEAN countries once again in resolving Rohingya’s decades long Genocide.