No treatment, no justice for Rohingya
- 22/05/2014
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By Shafiul Ansary
TSR News
May 22, 2014
Kutupalong Ukhiya, Bangladesh: Many registered refugees patients are under the lack of treatments in Kutupalong camp because M.O.H doctors are very hectic with their personal lives in office times. The contemptuous doctors are openly misbehaved with Refugee patients and neglect the patients to give medicines.
A 16 year old refugee female patient, Rohima Khatun MRC #Z0497, is suffering by stomach cramps since dozens of days. When she went M.O.H to get treatment of her sickness, Dr. Taposh (M.T.L) ridiculously proposed her to get marry instead of giving her medicines. He also added her that if she gets marriage, she will be better soon.
As constant, he extorted 500 (five hundreds Taka) money from Sajada Begum in order to refer her patient. The bribery issue about Sajida’s patient was mentioned with proof at a coordination meeting by camp supervisors, but it is still not taken action by camp authority.
Dr. Momin’s duty is to search the patients by telling Ganja, Y-tablets which duty is for police and to tell patients that he doesn’t have any medicines to give them. His aggressive misbehavior is toward flirtation with patients. As Noor Jahan, MRC #55607 was asked by him about her sex life.
Dr. Shohidul Jaman, a gentle man who is only like to practice English with female patients without giving them proper treatments. His motive is also toward meretricious because he asks the patients lastly about their contact numbers. He sometimes suggests the female patients to come hospital regularly to chat with him.
Dr. Urmi Dattaw, Medical assistant, keeps busy herself with mobile so she does not have any time to see any patient. If any emergency patients go to the hospital at night, she does not get out from her bedroom. If she gets out from her comfort bedroom, she scolds the patients so seriously.
Dr. Jashim Uddin, a Medical assistant who also keeps consult only with young beautiful females patients to know their marital status and their addresses so ugly female patients have to live far from him.
Therefore, Camp-In-Charge, instead of taking action against ridiculous doctors, he bans giving patients referring permission to another hospital. If any refugees committee member complains against the misbehaved doctors of M.O.H, the camp authority threatens the refugee committee members. Most refugees’ patients are in dire situation because they are neither getting proper treatments, nor getting justice against abusive doctors by authority. Besides, male patients are fired by doctors and female patients are smoothly encouraged by doctors toward sex life.