Rohingya Community Ireland Participates in SARI
- 24/09/2015
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Carlow, Ireland: Rohingya Community Ireland participated in SARI (Sport Against Racism Ireland) Football Tournament on 12th September,along with other 32 teams representing different local and international communities residing in Ireland.
SARI is a NGO founded in 1997 to counter the growing racist attacks in Ireland through organising various events including football.

It was a tournament to rejoice for Rohingya youths who have played with discipline, enthusiasm and motivation. Despite not having enough training and development in football, Rohingya team have managed to reached semifinal where they lost to Clonskeagh team with an own goal in extra-minute play.
Rohingya Community wants to convey the gratitude to the tournament organizer and sponsor for inviting Rohingya Community to this prestigious tournament, and wants to congratulate the team for the effort and the sweat given in the tournament.