Rohingya Refugees face double persecution in Bangladesh
- 22/01/2015
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By Ibrahim Shah
Kutupalong, Cox’s Bzar, Bangladesh: (Burma Times) Rohingya Refugees from Kutupalong camp are in intolerable harassment of Bangladesh government designated Camp-In-Charge (CIC) S.M. Sarwar Kamal and his thuggish gang.
Tragic history part 1:

These two harassed victims—Mrs. Mabia Khatun, MRC No.60045, Shed No. 36, Room No. 5/6 and her son Md. Younus, MRC No. 60045, Shed No. 35, Room No.01 from Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp have been registered refugees since 1992. The widow has 4 daughters and one son. She passes her distressed life with her 4 daughters with unendurable difficulties as she has not any extra income to add for her daily existence except the limited ration delivered by WFP.
The nephew of the widow who stays in Malaysia proposed to marry her daughter named Hossian Ara Begum and got married with the consentment of both parties via telephone. Afterwards, some misguided Rohingya compatriots reported the CIC that the said lady got married functionally outside the camp.
The indecent CIC went the room of the said lady and dragged out the family members while the investigation process was being conducted and later locked it.
The said widow’s family has been in shelterless since 26th, December 2014. She repeatedly went to the CIC to request for unlocking her room but he denied. He attempted many times to force her to acknowledge the matter that she and her family organized her daughter’s wedding ceremony and to present him bridegroom’s photo, wedding affidavit form and invitation card. When he failed, he further forced her to sue against the camp chairman formed amongst her Rohingya compatriots saying that she bribed that camp chairman about 15,000 Taka. The main reason behind attempt of the CIC to force her sue against the said camp chairman is because he did not inform regarding the wedding ceremony held by the only family members of the lady secretly due to fear of harassment by CIC against the bridegroom. As usual, the CIC ordered the police and sub-in-charge officials to transfer the widow’s family as fine.
Currently, the widow faces many troubles including both shelter and ration.
Tragic history part 2
Another 2 harassed Victims—Rashid Ahammed, MRC No. 21410, Shed No. 21, Room No. 1/2, Block: E and Kafayet Ullah, MRC No. 21410, Shed No. 21, Room No. 1, Block: D

Kafayet Ullah son of Rashid Ahammed had some money deals with a local Bangaldeshi villager Md Alam. Kafayet Ullah was severely beaten by Md Alam after a dispute was triggered between them. The beaten victim kefayet Ullah reported the happened matter to CIC and sought fair judgment but CIC was turned a blind eye to it. Two days later, the accused Md Alam submitted a paper to CIC and Kefayet Ullah was at once arrested and detained him in custody for six days.
On the sixth day, the CIC ordered Kefayet Ullah to pay due of the local villager by double as fine adding that he must pay the due through a series of installment by 5000 Taka per month.
Desperately, the harassed victim Kefayet Ullah agreed to pay the fixed amount by CIC because CIC threatened him that he[Kefayet Ullah] will be imprisoned under harsh allegation once he failed to pay that amount.
On the next day, the harasser local Md Alam threatened the harassed victim Kefayet Ullah saying that my most hateful enemy is you and I will demonstrate it after making the CIC transfer you. After a few while, one handpicked member of CIC came to Kefayet Ullah and ordered to pay all the money on the spot. He [ Kefayet Ullah] was threatened by the handpicked member of CIC saying that if you fail to perform the order of CIC, both of you and your father will be imprisoned under harsh allegations because we are the Lawyers and on the other hand we are Judges.
When the two harassed victims fled to escape the imprisonment, the CIC cam their houses and said that they will be transferred and confiscated the food token provided by WFP.
Currently, the remained family members of the said harassed victims face food crisis and other tragedies in the camp.
Tragic history part 3
Victim: Mujaffor, MRC No.49343 Shed.27 Block F
The above mentioned refugee old man has a son who segregated from his father with his own family. As His son Monir Ahammed is a venerable person in the area they live in, he[ Monir Ahammed] faces a fabricated case made by the villagers as hostility which isn’t bailed. On this act the CIC ordered to the old father to hand over his son to his office adding that he[ Mujaffor] will be transferred if he failed to follow his command.
The ruling CIC of Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp, S.M. Sarwar Kamal, has been extorting money after repeatedly fabricating several cases against the innocent and vulnerable Rohingya refugees who has been living in there. They have no choice except to be faced the intolerable harassment of the CIC as ‘unwanted transferring’ from one place to another place.
The most intolerable trouble faced by the Rohingya refugee is that those who are forced to evacuate the rooms in which they are living in to resettle those who are forced transferred from other places.